Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grateful for just the way it is

I am not sure how many people have noticed that, of recently, the Yoga Studio has gone under some face lift.  Obvious change is the mirrors in the pillars.  Other than that…?  Not sure of what? 

Yes…not many have noticed the changes, except two persons.  The first was ML, who has notice the studio somehow brighter, but couldn’t tell exactly of what (the dead celling lights were replaced).  The second was Mr. Siau, who has immediately noticed the studio walls that were repainted, despite of the same color as before.  Other people…were too busy to rush in and rush out of the yoga classes, to notice or catch any changes in the surroundings…

The daily heavy downpours for the last few months brought the yoga studio some serious damages.  The cracks on the rooftop and window panels were inviting rain waters to the walls and wooden floors.  So the walls and pillars were showing ugly water stains with molds, and the floors were getting lifted off. 

Being Malaysia as you all would agree…the rooftop and wall leaking in buildings are quite common problem.  So I didn’t want to bother the landlord in every rainwater drips that was there whenever it rains heavily over the years.  But this time, it was getting too much.  So I called the landlord who is living in another state.   He knew of the leaking problem and he was planning to do major job to repair the roof once the rain stops.  However the sky didn’t seem to dry up with so much rains.  Seeing the studio walls and floor from prolonged rain…he apologized profusely. 

He immediately put himself in action with his contractor brother-in-law and very expensive waterproof painting from Singapore.  They couldn’t wait till the rain stop any longer, so they were working in-between-dry-sky over the last few weeks.  After that, they repainted almost whole walls and ceilings inside the studio, from landlord’s pocket, which is not small sum.  I am grateful for the landlord’s kindness generosity, though I am not quite sure whether it was his normal responsibility as the building owner.  Even if it is, it doesn’t matter.  I am still immensely grateful to him to make the studio so clean and nice.  The lights fix and mirrors are from my own pockets.

So that is why, the studio got fresh look like a new, though many might have felt the lighter moods even if they didn’t express it. 

It’s so encouraging, to know there are still good people in the world like my landlord, unlike some other ugly rich ones, who genuinely care for the tenant’s agony like their own affairs.  People say, it’s a dog-eat-dog world.  But, I find it otherwise.  There are still so many good people are out there.  The four instructor-trainee gals are another ones, who all are looking to do some good in caring for others despite their full spectrum careers.  And the many yoga students and friends from the past years till present, who were so supportive, kind, loyal and trusty, to this foreign origin… 

I do not know what kind of a person I would have ended up, if I haven’t met all these wonderful people through the yoga center.  I will be as bitter as the dried water tap like the Ampang people experiencing it right now. When I first came in Malaysia in 1997, I lived with a dried tap for 6 months because of the Commonwealth Game then.  The government was reserving water in our area for the Games.  It was a living hell then, for entire the first year.  I had gone through some serious depression and soul searching.  What pulled me out of the dark tunnel was Yoga…

So I feel particularly grateful for my landlord this year in making my yoga studio afresh, to remind me of those beginning years in Malaysia that I felt so touched by many kind gestures of friends who helped me to feel belong here. 

What are you grateful for today, this year?  Of lately I am seeing increasing number of cancer patients around me… to remind me stay ever grateful for life and good health and good company.  Maybe you could also start to feel grateful if you aren’t sure of what the New Year is holding it in front of you…

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”   ----Melody Beattie